Hello...Let's pause a moment to honor our military...'Our hat's off to all of you." In sincere gratitude.
Have "Hand over your hearts" fun, Jody, the proud American
May 29, 2011
May 26, 2011
Fashion Hints....
As I stare longingly out of my sewing room window today...while listening to the singing birds...I realize that summer is right around the corner. I will have to dig out my white shoes as Memorial Day weekend is upon us...I must remember to do this because the the "Fancy Fashionable" rule book advises me to.
But alas...I am busy making my toys. So I will continue to daydream about a weekend filled with bikinis, hot dogs and colorful marching bands.
As you can see...I am planning an escape in my dandy convertible. Ahhh...the thrill of the wind in your "Hare."
Have a silly "wearing your fancy new white dancing shoes" fun, Jody, the dancer
But alas...I am busy making my toys. So I will continue to daydream about a weekend filled with bikinis, hot dogs and colorful marching bands.
As you can see...I am planning an escape in my dandy convertible. Ahhh...the thrill of the wind in your "Hare."
Have a silly "wearing your fancy new white dancing shoes" fun, Jody, the dancer
May 22, 2011
I ran away from home today....uh-oh!
Hello....I have many things on my list of things to do...but there was a doll and toy show here in Atlanta. Now this only happens twice a year...so I felt justified. As per my usual, I accumulated a bag-full of silly little stuff...my favorite kind. It is when I am antiquing that I realize what a weak person I am. Thank goodness my weakness isn't illegal, just impractical. Aren't these fellows charming?
It was my lucky day indeed. Now if I had been with my lucky pal, Pat Murphy we would have had to arm wrestle each other over this old hand game...between the horseshoe and the colors, it would have gotten ugly. So Pat, just remember that you like me. I still hold a friendly little grudge from our Portobello Road escapades in London. So fair is fair!
I also stopped at the Little Quilts Fabric store. I needed a "fix"...yes... another weakness. So...to end my tale, let's point out that my hooky-day was very inspiring...now I have toys to play with and new polka-dots to dance with.
Have silly shopping bag fun, Jody, the consumer
It was my lucky day indeed. Now if I had been with my lucky pal, Pat Murphy we would have had to arm wrestle each other over this old hand game...between the horseshoe and the colors, it would have gotten ugly. So Pat, just remember that you like me. I still hold a friendly little grudge from our Portobello Road escapades in London. So fair is fair!
I also stopped at the Little Quilts Fabric store. I needed a "fix"...yes... another weakness. So...to end my tale, let's point out that my hooky-day was very inspiring...now I have toys to play with and new polka-dots to dance with.
Have silly shopping bag fun, Jody, the consumer
May 18, 2011
Fly Me to the Moon...Gently, please!
Hello...I nervously ventured out of FunTown...and guess where I visited? Do you give up?..........FACEBOOK!
Everyone has been saying "You should go on Facebook" and for those of you who know me, you can giggle now...as I am such a rookie in this whole computer world...but, alas, I am determined to figure this out. You can only imagine the terror that was gripping me as I clicked "continue" and "Boom" there I was on Facebook for all of the world to see...frozen, like a deer in headlights... I realized there was no turning back...I had been shot into outer space and I landed with an echoing thud!
Look who was waiting for me..My Friends! All of these friend's names came poring down on me and I suddenly felt safe. Actually, I was quite pleased with myself...that is until I realized that I had no idea what to do next. So please be patient with me as I muddle my way through this dark forest. Stay tuned as I put on my space suit.
Have silly "Judy Jetson" fun, Jody, your friend from outer space
Everyone has been saying "You should go on Facebook" and for those of you who know me, you can giggle now...as I am such a rookie in this whole computer world...but, alas, I am determined to figure this out. You can only imagine the terror that was gripping me as I clicked "continue" and "Boom" there I was on Facebook for all of the world to see...frozen, like a deer in headlights... I realized there was no turning back...I had been shot into outer space and I landed with an echoing thud!
Look who was waiting for me..My Friends! All of these friend's names came poring down on me and I suddenly felt safe. Actually, I was quite pleased with myself...that is until I realized that I had no idea what to do next. So please be patient with me as I muddle my way through this dark forest. Stay tuned as I put on my space suit.
Have silly "Judy Jetson" fun, Jody, your friend from outer space
May 15, 2011
Our Teddy Bear Picnic
A memo from the land of happy little teddy bears and the friends who love them. I have just returned from the sparky and successful teddy bear show in Philadelphia. A fun time was had by ALL!
Pat Murphy, president of the famous Murphy Bears Company, Me, Theresa Meloon and Holly LeMay...together again and pleased as punch!
If you lived in a land of Teddy Bears and happy toys...you would never have to lock your doors....hmmmm....upon greater reflection, you might not want to cool a freshly baked cherry pie on your windowsill. Just a note of caution.
Pat and her fuzzy best friends. Just look at those bears...aren't they a handsome bunch? Our tables were next to each other...so you can only imagine the hi-jinks and mischief.
Off I go to put the kettle on and put my feet up.
Have silly "hide your cherry pies " fun,
Pat Murphy, president of the famous Murphy Bears Company, Me, Theresa Meloon and Holly LeMay...together again and pleased as punch!
If you lived in a land of Teddy Bears and happy toys...you would never have to lock your doors....hmmmm....upon greater reflection, you might not want to cool a freshly baked cherry pie on your windowsill. Just a note of caution.
Pat and her fuzzy best friends. Just look at those bears...aren't they a handsome bunch? Our tables were next to each other...so you can only imagine the hi-jinks and mischief.
Off I go to put the kettle on and put my feet up.
Have silly "hide your cherry pies " fun,
Buddies are good!
Hello...I am leaving for the Philadelphia Bear Show in a few days. It will be a heartfelt gathering of old friends...of the human and the fuzzy kind. I have been making lots of teddy bears, as this is the focus of the show. It has been fun making goofy, old looking bears. I love old goofy bears...you know, the ones that have seen better days...but were the most devoted of friends.
This is Tiddly and Winks. A Daring Duo. Now these two must really trust one another. A true sign of friendship.
May I present Little Lucy Gumdrop...a descendant of the late,great Morris Gumdrop, the founder of the "Goody, Goody Gumdrop Candy Company...and Chocolate-Charley. Because they both share a passion for sugary snacks they have become best buddies. Speaking of best buddies...I am playing with Pat Murphy this weekend in Philadelphia. If you are within shouting distance...please join all of us.
Have "don't you love teddy bears?" fun, Jody
This is Tiddly and Winks. A Daring Duo. Now these two must really trust one another. A true sign of friendship.
May I present Little Lucy Gumdrop...a descendant of the late,great Morris Gumdrop, the founder of the "Goody, Goody Gumdrop Candy Company...and Chocolate-Charley. Because they both share a passion for sugary snacks they have become best buddies. Speaking of best buddies...I am playing with Pat Murphy this weekend in Philadelphia. If you are within shouting distance...please join all of us.
Have "don't you love teddy bears?" fun, Jody
May 6, 2011
I Love a Parade...don't you?
Hello again...Put on your dancing shoes and join us as we march on over to our new home. It is a bright and shiny place and it has a giant mailbox so we can communicate.
We have gathered up all of our belongings and jumped onto our truck. We hope to make lots of fun new friends in our new neighborhood.
Hey Guys...wait for me!
Have silly change of address fun, Jody, the new girl next door
We have gathered up all of our belongings and jumped onto our truck. We hope to make lots of fun new friends in our new neighborhood.
Hey Guys...wait for me!
Have silly change of address fun, Jody, the new girl next door
May 5, 2011
Silly Sailor

Hello…Thinking about the warm weather that is approaching? Pale complexions, unflattering short-sleeve shirts and the biggest misery of them all….bikinis? Well…let’s follow this jaunty fellow’s example and start doing some strenuous calisthenics. Let’s give it the “old heave-ho.” If all of this is too depressing to think about, just go into an empty room…shut the door, close the curtains and do the Hokey-Pokey. Sometimes it is wise to add a little “zip” to our hum-drum lives.
Have shake it all about fun today, Jody
Making Magic
Hello…I am running around like a whirling dervish these last few days trying to get some fun pieces ready for the show in Philadelphia. The calendar has made the days longer but they seem shorter to me and my fingers. So…I am trying to pull a rabbit out my hat to make some magic.
Have presto chango fun today, Jodini
May 3, 2011
Have presto chango fun today, Jodini
May 3, 2011
Fairy Tale

Have “Fairy Tales Can Come True” fun, Jody, the Commoner
April 29, 2011
Happy Couple

Hello…Happy Anniversary Tim! We met in Buffalo, New York on a blind date…he made me laugh plus he bought me dinner. Who couldn’t fall in love whilst giggling over a menu? We have laughed through the last 38 years…well…maybe we didn’t chuckle everyday, but most of the time. Tim and I have two sons…Andy and Jeff…and we are very proud indeed. Happy and proud…aren’t we a lucky pair.
Have “Here, There and Everywhere” fun, Jody, the other bride
April 28, 2011
Teddy Bear Fun
Hello… I am preparing to do this exciting new doll and teddy bear show in Philadelphia on May 14th. So much to look forward to…seeing some artists that I haven’t seen in years and visiting with my wonderful bear friends. There is nothing like a huge room filled with teddy bears and the people who love them. Plus…I am spending the weekend with Pat Murphy…life is good!
Have “Why don’t you come play with us” fun, Jody
April 25, 2011
Have “Why don’t you come play with us” fun, Jody
April 25, 2011
Chocolate Bunnies and Little White Gloves

Hello…Happy Easter! I am filled with memories of looking into my closet and seeing my new dress, coat and little straw purse hanging there just waiting for Easter Sunday. The morning arrived and I finally got to prance around in my new outfit, white gloves, itchy petticoats, fancy shoes and socks. I remember climbing into the back seat of the Pontiac…my sister, brother and I had to sit still so we could arrive intact for the photos outside at my Grandmother’s house. Everyone had to be starched and picture-perfect. Little girls nowadays have it made…as little white gloves and chocolate bunnies don’t mix well.
Have “In your Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon it” fun, Jody
April 22, 2011
Candy is Good

Hello…Easter is taking so long to arrive. I am starting to worry that the chocolate bunnies are going to melt. Make sure that you stock up on all of those colorful bags of jellybeans, chocolate eggs and Peeps. Here in FunTown there has been some sneaking and candy-grabbing going on. So…I believe it is wise to buy more. As they say “It is better to err on the side of candy caution.”
Have count your jellybeans fun, Jody
Sister Day
Hello…Today is “Sister Day”, at least for one of my sisters(I have two). Today is about Jill Schaefer, my little sister who lives in Western Springs, Illinois with her husband Marty and her four(count them four) children. She is quite a sparky little firecracker. Her energy is boundless…raising my niece and nephews, community volunteerism and successful artist and entrepreneur. She makes charming decoupage plates with humorous and/or heartfelt quotes on them. She works late into the night to keep up with the demand.
On Tuesday she is hosting a home show featuring her and seven talented artists. She opens up her home and it becomes a magical shop with decorative displays.So, if you are in the area…or heck even if you have to fly in, you should stop by to visit and shop. I hear that there will be many tempting items to choose from, plus there will be tasty party snacks and festive beverages. Can you tell how proud I am of my little sister?
Tuesday April 12th 6:00-9:00
Wednesday April 13th 10:00-3:00
4469 Franklin Avenue
Western Springs, Illinois
Have sharing your sister with friends fun, Jody
On Tuesday she is hosting a home show featuring her and seven talented artists. She opens up her home and it becomes a magical shop with decorative displays.So, if you are in the area…or heck even if you have to fly in, you should stop by to visit and shop. I hear that there will be many tempting items to choose from, plus there will be tasty party snacks and festive beverages. Can you tell how proud I am of my little sister?
Tuesday April 12th 6:00-9:00
Wednesday April 13th 10:00-3:00
4469 Franklin Avenue
Western Springs, Illinois
Have sharing your sister with friends fun, Jody
Miss Sara Nade
May I introduce you to Debbee Thibault…a dear friend, indeed. I had discovered her work years ago and was compiling a tidy little collection…when lo and behold, the phone rang and it was HER! I knew that I had turned a corner as she was very flattering and kind to me…I was so impressed that she was, and is so supportive of other artists. I consider her to be in the first convertible in the Holiday Folk Art Parade.
Have getting to know Debbee fun, Jody
Have getting to know Debbee fun, Jody
Dining With Debbee

Hello…Here we are, “Hoofin’” our way about Orange County. Pardon my poetic license here. In actuality this is a charming piece on display at my friend Debbee Thibault’s home. Yes, she had a lovely dinner party for us and beguiled us with her generous hospitality. We all were in awe of her beautiful home and her heart-stopping art collection. After peeking into her life I can better understand her artwork…charming, sweet and diminutive, just like her.
Have silly footsteps fun, Jody the grateful guest
Oh, I almost forgot to mention how delicious her dinner was…Yum!
Popie's Magic Hat
Paul's Masterpieces
Pat Murphy's Parade

Hello…We Came…We Saw…We Gathered!
It has been several days since my return to FunTown and I have struggled with finding the right words to express my feelings about our wonderful weekend. So many friends to thank…Everyone who came to the show, it was such a heartfelt reunion for me. I was truly overwhelmed by my old pals who attended our show…your smiling faces filled my heart. Merci Beaucoup to all of you!
Jami, Nancy, Carolyn, Debbee, Janis, Linda, Lori…there are no words…You provided us with a warm and welcoming nest that the four of us nestled into so thankfully. Jack Wade for his generosity beyond compare. How do I thank Dana? Without her, we would still be dreaming about doing this. As in the past, Dana opened doors with a kind and gentle smile…she knows how to make magic happen…and she achieved it once again. A humble Thank You to you all.
Pat, Leslie and Paul…Speaking of magic. We did it…we created the sparky, friendly and intimate show…just as we hoped it would be. How lucky it is for me to be your friend.
So…like the Swallows of Capistrano, we will return every Spring!
Have “I laughed till I cried” fun, Jody
P.S. in the above snapshot…the pretty one is Dana and the charming fellow is Paul Gordon
A Day at the Beach
The New Snapshooter

Hello…Today is picture day. A celebration indeed, as I have gotten myself a new snapshooter. They all got dressed in their Sunday Finest and as they lined up, I was reminded of a blooming garden on the sunny side of the street. We are tickled pink to be on our way to sunny California for our show.
Have welcoming back the robins fun, Jody, your excited friend in Georgia
Can You Come Out and Play?
Hooray for Hollywood

Hello…The excitement is mounting here in FunTown. There is a hustle and bustle as we prepare to go to Orange County. We are making lists of necessities…bikinis, suntan lotion, sunglasses and autograph books(as George Clooney may be in Hollywood and “when opportunity knocks” and all.) There has been some debate about becoming a blonde…as, who knows, they could be casting for “The Real Housewives.” It’s that opportunity thing again. There are still many hours of work to be done before our departure but daydreaming is an Olympic activity here.
Have “We wish we all could be California Girls” fun, Jody
My Friend Leslie
Hello…It’s another share my friend day…as we approach our “Gathering of Friends” show in Corona, CA. Allow me to introduce you to Leslie McCabe, TEXTILE ARTIST EXTRAORDNAIRE! I am not pulling the wool over your eyes…she is so talented. She is a master rug hooker, Russian needle puncher, jeweller and soft sculpture artist. Leslie has a magical way of making colors sing…plus she is lots of fun at parties and is quite stylish also. She lives in Worcester, MA where she has a third story studio that was featured in “Where Women Create” a while back. It will be worth the trip to come and play with all of my special friends.
Have “let’s go to California” fun, Jody, the lucky girl with such good friends
Have “let’s go to California” fun, Jody, the lucky girl with such good friends
Tea Cozies
Sparky Leslie

Here is Leslie one magical summer day in Maine. We had been staying with our good friend Beth Atherton and we had a raucous good time. I have many sparky memories of my visits with Leslie and laughter is always at the top of the list. If you are planning a party, make sure that you invite Leslie…then a good time will be had by all.
Lucky Tips

Top of the mornin’ to ya…As we count down to St. Patrick’s Day we all are green with envy over our lucky Irish friends. I have three fool-proof tips on how to have a successful holiday and maybe feel a little Irish also.
First…whip up a bowl full of green Jello (yes, you could add fruit and/or tiny marshmallows if you want) your friends and family will be grateful for your thoughtful gesture.
Second…hum “Danny Boy” all day as someone might join in and before you know it you will be engaging in a sing-a-long.
Third…whenever the opportunity presents itself…perform a high stepping Irish Jig. This will insure future invitations to other holiday parties.
Have “Luck of the Irish” to one and all fun, McJody
My Friend Pat

Hello…Today I am going to boast about yet another talented friend I have…Pat Murphy. Isn’t she pretty? Doesn’t she look like Annette Benning? I have known her for years as we have been on the same journey doing teddy bear shows, designing for Boyd’s Bears and sharing happy times together. Her work is truly remarkable…you can’t just look…you want to pick them up and tell them your secrets. She was featured in “Where Women Create” and “Prims” magazines last fall and she is always honored in “Early American Life.” It will be a good time for sure when we go to our “Gathering of Friends” show as there will be many silly memories to make.
Have sharing friends with others fun, Jody
“A Gathering of Friends”
Saturday March 26th 10:00-2:00
Mill Creek Restaurant Corona, California
Pat Murphy...artist to the royals

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