Dec 6, 2013
Here I Am Again...
Hello...Did you think that I forgot about you all. No, I have been working very hard but I haven't had a lot to share. I went to New York to see my sons and my daughter-in-law. They arranged a meeting with a talented artist that is going to help me with my book project. I am so excited. After the holidays we are going finally get this show on the road. I also sent boxes to England and Japan. Okay, enough about me...I just returned from the Post Office. I sent a box to Jen O'Connor at Earth Angels. Above is Elmo Snow, an exclusive for Jen.
This is "Bob HumBug" he was a challenge as all of my pieces are smiling. This little fellow will get happy by Christmas but he is overwhelmed right now...As I am.
This silly little elf, "Tommy Twinkle", has been busy helping to prepare for the holidays. He is looking forward to his arms and legs are made of wooden beads and he needs to sit in his Lazy Boy recliner and relax.
This is "Cupcake Cutie", she loves the holiday festivities because they serve sugary tasty treats at all of the get-togethers.
"Captain Jolly" is fueling up to prepare for his upcoming travels. He is hoping for good visibility and starry skies on Christmas Eve.
All of the above are on their way to Earth Angels. Off I go as I have several more orders to complete.
Have silly "Dreaming of Sugar Plums" fun,
Oct 12, 2013
Off to Jolly Olde England...
Cheerio...I am preparing to send off a parcel full of "Funnies" to Teddy Bears of Witney. There has been much excitement...finding passports, researching travel books and last minute fashion choices.
Oops! These poor little "Goody Gumdrops" are still in their under garments. I am sure that I will get a talking-to for sharing this photo. I will have to get some honey roasted peanuts to calm them down.
Mr. Spectacles is thrilled to be going to England as they have so many lovely libraries...He prefers first editions. He keeps checking the time as he wants me to hurry up and get the parcel ready.
This is "B. Billy Binky" he is ready to be comfortable on that long flight abroad. Yes, he prefers to lounge around in his Pajamas...I will have to remind him to pack his candle as he can't bring that aboard with all of those pesky rules and regulations.
Off I go as the finishing touches await me in my sewing room.
Have silly "Tea and Crumpets" fun, Jody
Sep 26, 2013
A Trick-or-Treating We Will Go...
This is his next door neighbor "Count Danny"...He wanted to be Count Dracula...He likes vampires because he has an older sister that talks about them all of the time and he likes to scare the little girls in the neighborhood.
The last buddy is "Captain Billy Blood"...He has dreamed of being a pirate since his family had a family vacation in DisneyWorld. He is happy with his costume but he has been pouting because his Mother wouldn't get him a shiny dagger. She is a wise woman...What if he started to run and fell on the sidewalk...Ouch!
So, these little buddies and I are getting on a jet plane tomorrow to go to the Ghoultide Gathering Show. they are all dressed up and ready to get their loot bags full of tasty candy. I, on the other hand am not ready. So many last minute things to do.
So I will bid you a farewell for now. I will share snapshots of the big weekend upon my return. Why don't you you join all of us?
Have silly "Fun-Sized Milky Way" fun, Jody
Sep 20, 2013
No Bones About It...
Hello...I am going to share the skeletons in my closet. This salty fellow is "Shiver-Me-Bones." He is looking forward to his upcoming adventure next weekend at the Ghoultide Gathering in Chelsea, Michigan.
"Hocus-Pocus" has been polishing her dancing shoes for the big event. She is quite flirty so she is very eager to get on the jet plane and play with all of the goblins, ghosts and trick-or-treaters.
"Lady Van Der Bone" is a tad nervous. She is thrilled about the show but "Shiver-Me-Bones" is a bit of a ruffian. He really is well behaved but she is very hoity-toity. I hope he behaves on our journey.
"Uncle Funny-Bones" is rehearing his routine to charm the guests at the show. Hopefully he will make us it is natural to have the "Willies" at Halloween time.
As we prepare for our adventure we will need transportation to the airport. Fortunately for us "Lady Van Der Bones'" chauffeur, "Forward James" will be at our service.
I do hope that you will all come to trick-or-treat with us on September 28th.
Have silly "Heebie-Jeebies" fun, Jody
Sep 7, 2013
Having Tricky Treat Fun...
Hello...My apologies to you. I have been negligent about new updates. I have been so busy working on my book and preparing for the Ghoultide Gathering Show in Chelsea, Michigan on September 28th.
I am very excited about this. It is my first time doing this impressive show and I have been having such fun. I have not made Halloween for a few years...So this is an adventure.
This is "Captain Carrot-Stick." He is a cheeky little carrot and and his plane is only 3.25" long.
"Miss Debbie-Tante", "Skully" and "Uncle Funny-Bones" are thrilled to be going to a spooky show.
Actually they are all excited to get to the show... I go to my sewing room as there so many little fellows in my head waiting to get made...
Have silly "Hooray, I love pumpkin pie" fun, Jody
Aug 10, 2013
Having Silly FunTown Fun...
Hello...I am having fun in FunTown today. I started to take some sample snapshots to prepare for my book "Welcome to FunTown"...I am near the end. The characters are made and only a few more background sets. This is "Dandy Ducky Long-Legs" a kindly gentleman that has a lovely singing voice. He always entertains us at parties...whether we ask him or not.
Performing on the bandstand is our local favorite band..."Darnell Tootin' & The Rootin-Tootin Rhythm Boys"...when they get their groove on it is impossible to sit still. Luckily, we are such superb dancers.
Time for a freezy treat at "Miss Cherry-on-Top's"...Let me introduce you to 'Miss Cherry-on-Top" "Hoppy-Go-Lucky" and "Ginny McFinny"...Yum...
I hesitate to divulge too much information as mystery is a good thing...but between you and I "Ginny McFinny" wins the Grand Prize for the "Goody Goody Gumdrop's" annual candy selling contest. So Hoppy makes a visit to the McFinny's. Hooray for Ginny.
Wish me luck....this is a lot of work...Oh, I hate to call it work as I am having so much silly fun.
Have silly "Cha-Cha-Cha" fun, Jody
Aug 2, 2013
Konnichiwa...I have returned from my happy adventure in Japan. Once again, I was fortunate enough to be invited to Tokyo by my generous hosts...The Canal Company, owners of the Dear Bear Stores. I do believe that this was my eighth trip. Above are a few of the new additions to my Kokeshi collection. These happy girls are awfully relaxed considering that they are standing next to a Ninja Warrior.
While there I give classes...these two pin cushions are what me made this year. All of my talented students did a fantastic job...I was very proud.
This is "Little Miss Punkie"...she is a limited edition of ten that I made for the event. Each Punkie is a one-of-a-kind. She is stepping out of her own book "Welcome to Punkie-Town."
This is "Cheeky, Jr."...he also is a limited edition of ten..all different. I had fun making these.
This is my display at the Isetan Department Store in Shinjuku.
My good friend Nami took "Chicky-Boom" home with her. It was hot in Tokyo so Chicky likes to swim.
"Freddy and Fido"...
I will post more photos in a few days. I have pockets full of warm happy memories. Over the years I have made many very special friends in Japan. I am a very lucky girl.
Have silly "I love Japan" fun, Jody-San
Jul 4, 2013
Happy Doodle Day
Hello....All of FunTown is saluting our great country today. The Fourth of July is my favorite spite of the fact that it is not a gift giving occasion.
There are parades down our Main Streets with fashionable brass bands, pretty majorettes and lots of flags carried by Good Americans. I get goosebumps when I see children riding their red, white and blue festooned bicycles.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Betsy I love the colors and design of our Star Spangled Flag.
And I love a snappy uniform. I always behave better around a tall soldier with brass buttons.
Our Statue of Liberty always looks her best on Doodle Dandy Day...she appears taller with all of those sparky fireworks dancing around her torch.
Yes, everyone is in a good mood on this festive day. How can you be grouchy when there are parades, earnest boy scouts, proud girl scouts, hot dogs, potato chips, watermelon, frosty pink lemonade and sparkly fireworks to top off this magical day.
So as you go about your summer day in your flip-flops and red, white and blue outfit. remember to smile as we are very lucky indeed.
Have silly "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy" fun, Jody
Jun 13, 2013
Welcome to FunTown
Hello...At long last I have finally put together my web site. It was so frustrating not knowing how to manage it...but with my hearty thanks to my Apple teacher Katie Evans I have a new site that I can update myself. Thank you Katie! Welcome to FunTown
"Billy Bumbly-Bug" is proud to be in the Toy Shop. My goal with my site is to make it a friendly place to visit. I feel so frustrated when I go to sites with all of the pieces marked Sold. So, I am going to post new toys on a regular basis...If something is gone...just ask me and I can make you something similar.
This is "Little Jolly" stepping out of his own little book.
This is "Miss Tizzie-Thee"...a loyal little American who is counting the days until the 4th of July. She gets the honor of riding in the first convertible in the "Doodle-Dandy Parade" in Funtown. She loves apple pie ala-mode, watermelon slices and sparky fireworks.
This is a display board made on a wooden board embellished with paper and wool felt. It is a fun way to display my toys. this is what the backyards in FunTown look like. Ahh...the smell of freshly laundered party outfits that have dried in the gentle breezes.
I am in the process of putting a book together about FunTown and all of the little "Funnies" that reside there. "The Bloomers" a lovely little floral family that lives in a big green house on Garden Avenue are featured...the children...Rosey, Flora, Oopsy-Daisy, Petunia, Bud and of course "Mum and "Poppy." This is "Mum."
The above snapshots are my toys that are featured in the Toy Shop. Please visit this will make the Tourism Committee very happy.
Have silly "shiny new home" fun, Jody