Sep 7, 2013

Having Tricky Treat Fun...

Hello...My apologies to you. I have been negligent about new updates. I have been so busy working on my book and preparing for the Ghoultide Gathering Show in Chelsea, Michigan on September 28th.

I am very excited about this. It is my first time doing this impressive show and I have been having such fun. I have not made Halloween for a few years...So this is an adventure.

This is "Captain Carrot-Stick." He is a cheeky little carrot and and his plane is only 3.25" long.

"Miss Debbie-Tante", "Skully" and "Uncle Funny-Bones" are thrilled to be going to a spooky show.

Actually they are all excited to get to the show... I go to my sewing room as there so many little fellows in my head waiting to get made...

Have silly "Hooray, I love pumpkin pie" fun,   Jody