Jun 24, 2012

Come On In...

Hello... Last weekend Pat and Tom Murphy were in town for a wedding and fortunately for me they came by for a visit. As I was showing her around my kitchen and looking at some of my shelves...I thought...hmmm...maybe I could blog about this.

People always ask me what do I collect...there is no easy reply...but I have decided that it is best described by this simple sentence. "Anything that would have intrigued a young child."

Most people have lovely and sophisticated  kitchen accessories...My poor husband... I have toys and children's images all over. Plus...I am not much of a cook. Oh well...I smile when I look around at all of my treasures.

Have silly peeking in my kitchen window fun"....Jody, the little girl who never quite grew up


  1. Thank you once again Jody for having us over. It was such a thrill to finally see your house with all those amazing collections! I want to come a hang out there and play .. It's hard to take it all in and I know there's things that I missed..It's just the best! I do believe that you could make a book on your collections ... hey, what a great idea! Maybe when you return from Japan.

  2. You are totally "MIss Whimsy" defined!
    Thank you for sharing Miss Jody!!


  3. O Jody, your toy collection is simply wonderfull, what a treaser to have...!!


  4. What a happy place. I love all the wooden animals and houses; the bluebirds!

  5. Lucky for us!!! Your things are so happy and I'm sure your home is a happy one, too (even if you're not much of a cook!!) Diane

  6. Jody,
    I loved the tour of your kitchen! so much to look at:) Who wants to cook when you have such a fun kitchen like yours!
    Love all of the plates! ;>)

  7. Oh Jody!
    What a wonderful treat to see your kitchen toys! When are you having an Open House for us to see it all in real person?
    Thanks for the great ideas!

  8. Your collections are wonderful. Thank you for sharing. I have a sister who is just like you. She discovered you and has told me about your blog. I have enjoyed scrolling through the posts. My sis lives in her childhood head- loves happy things and is intrigued by those childlike things - especially of yesteryear.

    1. Hello...It is a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for the kind words. Maybe you, your sister and I could get together and play some day....Have silly fun, Jody
