Jan 6, 2012

A Tuesday Evening in FunTown....

Hello...and I hope that your new year is full of new beginnings and sparky adventures. On Tuesday evening the citizens of FunTown convened for their annual town meeting and Pot Luck Supper. The dinner was very tasty...as everyone likes to show off their famous recipes.

The official meeting was called to order. Many ideas were discussed...

We took a brief break to help ourselves to a second helping of dessert....there were many to choose from....my favorite was the cherry pie. During the intermission we were entertained by "Steady Eddie and the Teddys."

We elected a new neighborhood beautification committee to keep our town neat and tidy.

Officer Chick-Wick volunteered to walk the pets for those of us with busy schedules.  You see...since there is no crime in FunTown...he tends to get bored and restless. We all applauded and sang "For He's a Jolly
Good Fellow."

We also accepted "Tumbling Tommy's" offer to change the light bulbs in the street lamps on Silly Street.
As you can see...we don't have much to discuss at these get-together's...as all is well here in FunTown. Yet, we do love to gather to sing, dance and dine with one another.

Pip was relieved that the meeting was concluded... he claims that it was very boring indeed. I tend to think  he was just pouting because we ran out of Dingos...his favorite treats.

It was time to go home and watch TV as no one wants to miss "Jeopardy."

Have silly "Frosty January " fun,   Jody


  1. EEEK!!! Soooo adorable Jody! I adore your storytelling! So whimsical and charming! I want to live in Fun Town. tee! hee! Hugs,Jennifer

  2. Oh Jody how I wish I could live in Funtown :0) It is such a wonderful creation!!
    I read your article in W.W.C, I am so excited about your book and your studio is my idea of heaven!!!
    Vicky xxx

  3. These toys are amazing! Will absolutely come back again and see what else you're making! :)

  4. Hey there, made it home yesterday. Slept the day away. Back in the saddle today, so I started it out by creating a board of Fun town on my pinterest page. Hope lots of people see it and flock to your site! Where did January go????
