Jul 5, 2011

Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho...it's off to Japan We Go....

Hello...or should I say Konichiwa...I have been cordially invited to come to Tokyo...to give a class.. do a demonstration....and sign my work. It is an honor indeed and I am very grateful to be invited by my generous hosts, Canal Company. I will be going at the end of the month. So, needless to say...We are busy here in FunTown
I am in the process of working on a special limited edition for my special Japanese friends. Geez, I hope they enjoy her, as I am quite pleased..but there is still many  more details to attend to before completion.
As you can see I am up to my "glass eyes" in mohair and excelsior...
I won't unveil the special edition until I go...but I will share it with you then...Here are a few of the Funnies who are going to make the journey with me. "Little Marsha-Mallow"..."Rosey & Posey" and "Pretty Peeps." We are getting their passports in order, as we speak. They are fussing about, as they want their passport photos to be flattering. We are quite vain here in FunTown...we are strong believers that appearances are important.

I will keep you posted as to our  progress. I have to scurry back to my sewing room right now, as there is lots of work to do. As they say "A stitch in time...will help me meet my deadline."

Have "making silly summer memories" fun,   Jody-San


  1. Jody, your friends are darling. I'm sure your fans in beautiful Japan will be thrilled.
    I can't wait to see your 'Center piece'
    Very exciting news.

  2. Way too cool Jody.. what a honor to bee asked to go... you're going to have a blast and they're going to love what you bring to them...can't wait to see what you create for them... as for the cute little ones, they all are just adorable...I know that their passport photos are going to look just too stinkin cute...happy creating...and have fun too... Have a honey of a night ~ sweet dreams!

  3. Of course I absolutely LOVE Pretty Peeps! Enjoy your trip to Japan...can't wait to hear all about it you world traveler!

  4. OOhhhh.... have fun on your big adventure.
    I have been following your adventures at Leslie's fun house. I hope you have as much fun...but, you won't have your traveling band of merry fun makers. So ...your little plush friends will have to do. I missed out, I know. Oh well...when that bunny ship arrives, I'll be sailing away to parts unknown or perhaps Cape Cod!

  5. They're all so sweet!!!! I wish I was small so I could fit in your FunTown bag of fun to Japan. :0)
