May 18, 2011

Fly Me to the Moon...Gently, please!

Hello...I nervously ventured out of FunTown...and guess where I visited? Do you give up?..........FACEBOOK!
Everyone has been saying "You should go on Facebook" and for those of you who know me, you can giggle I am such a rookie in this whole computer world...but, alas, I am determined to figure this out. You can only imagine the terror that was gripping me as I clicked "continue"  and "Boom" there I was on Facebook for all of the world to see...frozen, like a deer in headlights... I realized there was no turning back...I had been shot into outer space and I landed with an echoing thud!
Look who was waiting for me..My Friends! All of these friend's names came poring down on me and I suddenly felt safe. Actually, I was quite pleased with myself...that is until I realized that I had no idea what to do next. So please be patient with me as I muddle my way through this dark forest. Stay tuned as I put on my space suit.

Have silly "Judy Jetson" fun,   Jody, your friend from outer space


  1. So glad you joined Facebook, Jody, and that you've accepted li'l ol' me as a friend. You can do as much or as little as you want to on FB...and I'm sure you'll have even more friends in short order. :o)

  2. Loved your pics of the Teddy Bear Show.
    Great hairdo, you are glowing!

  3. Your doing terrific!! Have fun discovering what's on fb. I loved the Jetson's

  4. Such a brave one you are Jody... Fb, who would have thought!! Congrats...
