Oct 9, 2014

The Party's Over...

Hello...Well...I have returned from the Ghoultide Gathering Show. Oh what fun we had. Scott Smith and Bill Gilmore, the RingMasters, once again put on the Greatest Show on Earth. The artists and the guests were all so nice. Yes, a fun time was had by all. I had a great show. There are some pieces left over. So for those of you who couldn't attend I will share these with you. Above is "Fraidy Manor" an 11"x5" haunted house made of felt. This is the curbside view...

Side view...

This is the back yard...notice the Halloween costumes on the clothesline...

Lastly, the other side. I had so much ruin making this. It is a one-of-a-kind and the price is $250.00

This is "Eggy and Peggy"This piece is 7' tall...the eggplant car is made of velveteen and Peggy is made of felt with a lantern. She is $185.00. Also a one-of-a-kind.

This is "Lady Bloodiva" a 12.5" flat, yet slightly stuffed skeleton wearing a vintage silk and organdy gown. Also a one-of-a-kind...$85.00...

This is "Jackie-Can" a 5" tall little party pumpkin tin boy. a one-of-a-kind at $95.00...

This is "Professor Van Hootin...7.5" to the top of his top hat....made of mohair, with wired arms...a-one-of-a-kind...$180.00

And his lady friend..."Woo-Hoo" 5.25" tall...$170.00...one-of-a-kind...


A scene from FunTown...a 19"x15"...on a wooden board with a stand in the back...Petey's Pumpkin Patch. This really got me in the Halloween spirit. A great backdrop for Halloween collections...one-of-a-kind and $250.00.

So...I have never put my work up for sale on my blog...I feel like a Tupperware saleswoman.

If you are interested my email is:


phone #770-993-0734

So, I hope you enjoyed my little gallery show...Have silly "Pumpkin-Picking" fun...Jody