Feb 27, 2013

Playing with my Toys...

Hello...I have been looking around my house and have taken photos of some of my toys...It is getting me in the mood to make Spring pieces. I love these little ducks...I appreciate dandy fashion choices.

He just makes want to get up and dance to his melodic tunes...

This pair is singing to his music...

This pretty little bird has gone shopping for her new chapeau for the season...

He is feeling a little down in the dumps because he doesn't have a new cap...We will have to take him shopping and cheer him up.

So...off I go to my sewing room to make some new Spring toys...and maybe a little cap.

Have silly "Dreaming of Daffodils" fun,   Jody

Feb 24, 2013

Our Third Annual "A Gathering of Friends" Trunk Show

Hello...I am so happy because we are going to Costa Mesa, CA for our third annual trunk show. It will be at a new location this year...The Ayres Hotel...325 Bristol Street. So save the date and do come to visit. I will write about this and all of the artists in the next few weeks.

Have silly "Come to our show" fun,   Jody

Feb 15, 2013

Hoping for an "Oscar"...

Hello...We are so excited here in FunTown because  our new film A Stroll Down Silly Street is debuting this week. Just in time for Oscar consideration. We are all on pins and needles. It was filmed here in FunTown. They have been popping corn all day as it will be a sellout crowd for the premiere.

The crowds are arriving early to insure a good seat, a good parking spot and lots of buttery popcorn.

Here are some of the stars of the film...

Have silly "Jumbo Bucket of popcorn with extra butter" fun,   Jody

Feb 10, 2013

Have Happy Hearts...

Hello...Today I am going to remember the shiny happy memories of the Valentine's Days of my childhood.    Remember the excitement of bringing home your handmade Valentine shoebox...you know doilies, red and pink construction paper hearts and globs of dried paste...your name written with crayons.

As a child I didn't receive mail... to have a whole box full, with my name on the envelopes was sheer delight.

I remember going shopping for packets of Valentines with my Mother...They had to be chosen by me...after all these were my friends and classmates.

I can see me sitting at the dining room table...choosing just the appropriate ones for each friend.

The boys cards were chosen carefully...I did not want to send the wrong message.

Signing our names in pencil...Making sure to say "From, Jody" instead of "Love, Jody"...

Returning home after the party at school...Hawaiian Punch and cupcakes...Sitting on the floor with my very own mailbox... A special day indeed.

I hope that we all receive well-chosen Valentines this year so we can remember the child within all of us.

Have silly "tasty chocolate candy" fun,   "Love, Jody"

Feb 5, 2013

My Funny Valentines...

Hello...Phew...January is behind us. The Groundhog has come and gone...So now it is time to dream of tasty chocolate candies, colorful poseys and heartfelt cards from our loved ones. Yippee! What could be better?

My sister Jill sent me these copies of two charming old Valentines years ago after I "oohhed and aahhed" over her lucky finds. Well...They have been on my bright red inspiration board right in front of my sewing machine(of which I spend A LOT of time at) for years...Taunting me to try to create their likenesses. So, this year was the year.

This is "Lover-Boy"...

This is his Honey..."Sugar-Boo." She adores "Lover-Boy" as he is a snappy dancer. Good looking boys who dance well are hard to find.

I had so much fun making them. They are so happy as I told them that they were flying to their new home in California...they are so happy to be together forever...plus they have heard such exciting things about California...Lover-Boy is dreaming of surfing and Sugar-Boo is hoping to meet George Clooney.

So, for the next few days let us remember our "Sweethearts" and go out and buy them fancy candies that they can share with us.

Have silly "Hooray for candy" fun,   Jody