Nov 29, 2012

Yippee...We are in "Artful Blogging" Magazine...

Hello...There is rejoicing in FunTown as the new "Artful Blogging" Magazine has arrived and we are in it. Hip-Hip Hooray!

We are so honored that we were it makes us feel special. We are hoping that there will be a boost in tourism. We love folks to visit we are very proud of our town and our blog.

Jody really enjoys planning each post.

We love the colorful pages...

We hope that you find the magazine and take a peek into our we love to entertain new friends.

Have silly "peeking at our blog" fun,   Jody and all of her little buddies

Nov 21, 2012

"Good Gravy!"

Hello...How could this be? Days have flown seems as though we had trick-or-treaters ringing our doorbell just days ago...and now here it is Thanksgiving.  Oh-No...this means Christmas won't be far behind.

It all began with the Native Americans...It was nice of them to aid the pilgrims in this new land. They shared their corn crops with the new strangers...isn't that "A-Maizing?" in their honor I will serve a heaping bowl of corn.

Let's be thankful for the turkey...and the many tasty leftovers...

Let us not ignore the side dishes...more to pass around the holiday table.

Now our menu is completed....except for...our...

This is the best ingredient for a Happy Thanksgiving...

So let's do a "Happy Dance" and be thankful for all that we have.

Have silly "Good Eats" fun,   Jody

Nov 19, 2012

Happy Jill Day!...

Hello...Allow me to introduce you to my little sister...Jill is her birthday, she hasn't had as many as me. While in Chicago a couple of weeks other sister Jamie and I had an opportunity to attend one of Jill's many shows.

Isn't she pretty? As a bonus, she is a very talented artist. Here is her display...this is the smaller version as she only had one table...just imagine two colorful tables.

No wonder she is so successful...

I don't do as many shows as I used it was fun to be there for set-up and meeting her friends. I love the energy of shows.

I was proud to stand behind her table as I was so proud of her...If this intrigues you also you can contact her at Jill's e-mail address...

Here we are...Jill, Jamie and I....

Have "Isn't it great to have sisters" fun,   Jody

Nov 5, 2012

A Fond Farewell...

Hello...It is a gloomy day in FunTown...This is an unusual occurrence as the sun is always shining in the sky here. But the flags are at half-mast as my best friend has left this world to be the her family and friends in another world. I cannot find the words to express my sadness. My Mother Gloria died on Saturday November third. She was not alone. My sister Jill and I were holding her hand when she left.

This is my favorite photo of me and my Mother...We were in my Grandmother's garden. I always held on tight to her hand as she guided me throughout my life. I am the luckiest girl in the world. Before the violins begin to accompany me I will say...My Mother was a wonderful Mother, GrandMother and friend to all who were fortunate to be in her life. So now she will dwell in my heart and I know that she will be holding my hand forever.

Hold on tight to the people you love...Jody